Do your plants needs to de-stress from the summer heat?

It’s Southeast Texas and the temperature is rising quickly. Are your plants starting to show to stress due the strains of summertime? Did you know foliar sprays can drastically help stressed plants?

Using organic foliar sprays such as Microlife Ocean Harvest or Microlife Super Seaweed can provide the following benefits in times of high stress for plants:

  1. Strengthen plants biologically

  2. Foliar sprays are a quick boost of nutrition.

  3. When plants have proper nutrition they are more apt to deal with overheated conditions.

Microlife Foliar Sprays

Microlife along with many other brands offer high quality foliar sprays which can boost nutrition which can reduce stress on a plant in times of need. These can be applied every other week for best results. A plant with proper nutrition can build natural defenses for pests or diseases that are often brought on when stress is a factor. An example of this would be aphids on peppers during the hottest part of the summer.

Another underrated tip to help reduce stress is proper mulching. Mulch as an insulation barrier for the soil, keeping it cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter. It also helps keep moisture in the soil longer. This will drastically help reduce watering stress in the summer heat.

Pine straw makes an excellent garden mulch that is long lasting and covers a large area. One Bale of pine straw is equivalent to 10, 2 cubic ft bags of mulch. Mulch is more than aesthetics, its a purpose driven addition to your garden, providing better moisture retention during the hottest summer days.


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