Beneficial or Not?
As the summer heat sets in so do pests in the garden. Some pests are signs of issues in our soil or our plant telling us that it is in need of something. I often find that people are ready to annihilate any and all pests they see in the garden. But is if beneficial or not?!
This this brings us to the point, it is important to properly identify or observe the activities of pests in the garden. They very well might be an important part of the gardening eco-system in many ways.
They may prey on other insects (assassin bugs kill aphids, wasps kill worms, etc)
They may be an important food source for other local animals or predators (birds, frogs, etc)
So What Can You do about them?
It is important to remember as well that the pesticides we may choose to use don’t only effect the unwanted pests, but also the beneficial ones too. The Pre-Harvest Intervals that are required on a lot of pesticides may also cause us to loose produce to other predators while waiting to safely pick them (ex: We spray Cyonara on tomatoes for stink bugs. While we wait the 3 day Harvest Interval time, the tomato begins ripening and the birds damage them or worms attack them).
The most effective control for stink bugs is picking them off and placing them in soapy water. They are multi-generational and come in waves throughout the warm season. We’ve even seen the use of a dust buster to suck them up and then dump them in soapy water. The more you are able to remove from the environment, the less coverage you will have the next season because the population has been controlled.
If you aren’t sure what to do stop by and pay us a visit or use our handy Bug Finder here!